
February 15, 2012

You bet your life, television shows are popular slot machine themes

Photos by Frank Barning. Click on them to enlarge.

We previously posted pictures of slot machines with motion pictures and China themes (dragons and the like). Television shows are also popular on slots, including the vintage programs shown here.


Two friends, Smith and Jones, went together to play the slot machines at a casino. Each agreed that when his allotted money was gone, he would go to the front of the casino and sit on the bench to wait for his friend.

Jones quickly lost all of his money and went to the bench. He waited and waited. After what seemed an eternity, he saw Smith coming toward him carrying a huge sack of coins. "Hey, Jones," said Smith, "how'd you do?" "Well, Smith", said Jones, "you see me here on this bench, what do you think? It looks like you hit it big, though." "Oh yeah," said Smith, "did I find a good slot machine! It's way in the back. I'll show it to you. You can't lose.

"Every time you put in a dollar, four quarters come out."